As we can all observe from my numbers, 2010 was a pretty sad year for my blog. [And for those that followed blog #2, this sadness is clearly evident. My lesson learned: keeping up with two blogs is hard and time consuming. So I'm letting that one go.] I have already decided that part of 2011 will be to blog more and to take more pictures. But I'm not getting into 2011 goals just yet. First, let's revisit 2010.
For the most part, I think 2010 was a great year. I accomplished some big things in addition to most everything on my written list of goals for 2010. [As can be seen here]. Last year was the year of the house, the cruise, the sealing, the haircut, the weightloss. The weightloss was epic. Even if that was the only significant thing I did last year, I'd still chalk it up as one of the most successful years of my life.
As it goes thus far, 2011 is looking to be a monumental year, maybe even more than last. My goal list reflects some of the potential greatness 2011 will contain. So let's see...
[in no particular order of importance]
~ Deliver my child on July 31 [Harry Potter's birthday]
~ Make separate to-do list for all things baby and keep it under 100 items
~ Make separate to-do list for everything that needs to happen before Jericho gets deployed
~ Buy a bike
~ Visit Utah [Check! Tickets already purchased.]
~ Read more books
~ Paint and decorate more of the house
~ Take more pictures
~ Play the piano more
~ Blog more
~ Do not turn my blog into a mom-blog. All of my readers have the authority to call me out at any point if this starts to resemble a mom-blog.
~ Sign up for a CSA
~ Eat more organic, whole foods
~ Cook more
~ Exercise more
I have a lot of things to do more of this year. It'll be tough. I already know that 2011 will be the year of the first baby and the year of the deployment [the first part of the deployment anyway]. I can't really put those on a to-do list since Jericho's deployment falls under Obama's to-do list [more on the deployment later]. And this baby will come per his/her own agenda. Most of my year will be to prepare my life for those two pretty huge events. Wish me luck.
5 days ago